Congressional budget analysts said that legislation to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws would cut hundreds of billions from the federal deficit over the next two decades Congressional Budget Office found that the benefits of an increase in legal residents from immigration legislation currently being debated in the Senate – which includes a pathway to citizenship – would far outweigh the costs. “The findings in this report give proof that implementing smart immigration reform will strengthen the U.S economy,” “Creating an immigration system that puts immigrants on a path to citizenship will not only boost wages and entrepreneurship, but will also bring more tax contributions and spending to small businesses in their local economies.” The report estimates that in the first decade after enactment, the immigration bill’s net effect of adding millions of additional taxpayers would decrease the federal budget deficit by $197 billion, even with higher spending on border security and government benefits. Over the next decade, the report found, the deficit reduction would be even greater – an estimated $700 billion, from 2024 to 2033.